EVENING 564 O Trinity, Most Blessed Light Ps. 16: 9 L. M. O Lux beata, Trinitas St. Ambrose, †397, asc. Tr., John M. Neale, 1852, alt. O heilige Dreifaltigkeit Nikolaus Herman, 1560 All To O ther of ed be, praise, Light, ni our praise, Thee U e praise Thee Trin O 3 All 2 To 1 songs bless Fa i ing most the God morn ty, to our we a er de Spir glo fier sun ning ev it ry y ty eve ter dore more parts, of to we ’reign Thee, Son, raise; might, prayer sov nal with may now the our the As Whom Thee beams rev and ev in ence with er for low ev Thou Thy ly er Shed In For men. hearts. dore. more. our a er A